The fitness coaching industry is changing, and only those who adapt to client demands will continue to be successful.
The health and fitness industry is changing, and clients want more than just workouts or meal plans — they want real, lasting change.
In this episode, I discuss the rising demand for behavior change and mindset coaching backed by trends from major companies like WW and Noom. Learn how to equip yourself with the skills to meet this demand, leverage AI, and provide the lifestyle upgrades your clients crave.
Start helping your clients achieve behavior change with my 5 FREE lessons in behavior change and mindset. These lessons will help you coach your clients to overcome all-or-nothing thinking and fixed mindset, stop self-sabotage, develop more self-control, and increase motivation and follow-through.
Episode highlights
>>(4:02) Only giving people who hire you for your coaching services an exercise and nutrition plan is no longer enough.
>>(10:46) Google Search Trends data on what people want from the fitness coaching industry.
>>(16:48) How some companies are responding to the demand for GLP1s.
>>(18:19) The impact AI is having on the fitness coaching industry and what you should worry about instead.
>>(22:01) Ethically serving clients when their demands feel outside your scope of expertise.
Listen to the full episode to know what changes you need to make in your coaching practice to meet consumer demands.
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Links From the Podcast
Health Mindset Coaching Certification Instagram
5 FREE lessons in mindset and behavior change coaching
Episode’s Full Transcript
Hello and welcome back. I am excited to have this little chat with you, this little conversation. I am not coming at you with a bunch of like research and data and studies on behavior change and psychology and all the things that I usually talk about. This is more or less just kind of like a chit chat about the direction of the health and fitness coaching industry.
This is a conversation that That recently came up, not even recently, it’s like been coming up because we’ve been seeing lots of shifts and pivots in the health, wellness, fitness industry as a whole, you know, beyond just the, the coaching industry specifically. And, you know, that’s. That’s typical. That is how the world works.
That’s how our social world works. You know, trends come and go, things get popular, and then other things come and take their place. Um, but because I am so connected with so many coaches and so many health and fitness professionals, entrepreneurs in the space, I’ve mentored hundreds of coaches at this point through the Health Mindset Coaching Certification and have done a lot of one on one mentorship as well.
And fun fact, like 90, 90 percent of my friends probably are health and fitness entrepreneurs. They’re in the space. So these are conversations that we’re having all of the time and just like noticing trends and like, what’s going on here? And like, what are people talking over about over here? And like, what are people really looking for?
In the health and fitness coaching space. And as we move into 2025 and beyond, I mean, it’s important if you are in this space as a professional, as an entrepreneur, what have you to keep tabs on what the heck is going on. in the industry, not only from like a business and marketing perspective, because of course, you want to be talking about the things that your prospective clients are worried about.
They’re concerned about that. They, they want the things that they desire is important, but at the same time, we don’t want to just be going out there and preying on the wants and desires of our clients. You know, let’s leave that to the, the fad diet. Industry, where we prey on people’s, like, insecurities and the things that they want, not the things that they need, right?
There is, um, also, I’m sorry, I’m getting over a cold, so if it sounds like I’m, like, sniveling, that is why. Um, but we want to be, we want to be careful with that, but also, but also listen and also pay attention. And I’m honestly kind of excited because I feel like, and not just feel, I actually have some, like, Google search term data I want to share with you.
Um. That the direction is a relatively positive one. Positive being, like, we’re moving away from just caring only about weight loss and caring more about, like, overall wellness. Um, I also want to talk to you guys about, like, artificial intelligence and how technology is playing a role and, like, what that means for you.
Um, yeah. We’re gonna get into a few different points. Again, this is all coming from conversations I have been personally having with other people in the industry that I have access to. So one of the biggest things is that people want more. If you’re a health and fitness coach, it is not enough to just give someone a nutrition and exercise plan.
People want real change. They want real lifestyle changes. They want to feel better in their day to day life. They want to learn things. They want to, like, expand themselves, uh, from, like, a personal development perspective. Like, people are looking for more, and although, and we’re talking about, you know, exercise and nutrition coaching and things like that.
It can be hard when you are a personal trainer, you’re a nutritionist, whatever, because you could feel very ill equipped or feel out of your scope of practice even to be helping people with like greater lifestyle changes in that way. But just know that this stuff is so, so intimately intertwined. Just like we can’t really pull apart, like, the, the body from the mind because they work so synergistically.
Same thing goes with when you’re coaching someone on nutrition and exercise and changing those behaviors. If you’re looking to help someone change their behavior, then you have to keep in mind all of the other aspects of their lives, right? The question becomes, sorry, sniffles, the question becomes, are you equipped to actually help someone really make these types of changes?
People want to upgrade their lives, not just lose weight. And that’s what we’re seeing. We see it even like, I think it’d be really helpful to look to some of these big companies, something like Weight Watchers. You know, this wasn’t recent, it was years ago at this point, but Weight Watchers is no longer Weight Watchers, right?
They’re WW. And with that rebrand, their focus is more so on overall wellness rather than just weight loss and like focusing on lifestyle changes. Um. So this focus in this shift towards wellness and well being and lifestyle, et cetera, away from just like, Eat less or do this diet to lose weight, et cetera, is really interesting and something to pay attention to.
I actually did pull some information from this consultancy firm, McKinsey. They estimate the global wellness market to be worth 1. 5 trillion dollars, and this was in 2021. So a few years ago. And comparing that to this other data gathering site. Uh, Stratista, it’s called, uh, estimates that it will grow, the wellness market will grow, to 7 trillion in 2025.
So we are looking at 7 trillion dollars in this wellness market, which is crazy, from a 1. 5 in 2021. So it, it, it has been growing, and It sure is still growing. So, lots of opportunity for the taking, right? If we’re gonna use a growth mindset about this, like, what does it mean? It’s like, okay, lots of opportunity here for people who are in the health and wellness coaching space, aka a lot, a lot, a lot of you that are listening to this podcast.
We also see, like, the rise of Noom. If you’re not familiar with what Noom is, it’s a, essentially an online weight loss program. You do have access to a coach. I’m doing air quotes for those of you who are listening and not watching on YouTube. You get access to a coach, but these coaches have A lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of clients, so at least, and this is my, I guess it’s a personal opinion, but it’s anecdotal evidence from people that I know have gone through this program or experimented with it, it doesn’t really feel like you’re getting full access to like a person because that person clearly has a lot of clients, so they don’t have a ton of time to give to each individual person, so although you have a coach, it can kind of sometimes feel like you’re just, like, speaking to a robot, a program, or whatever.
Uh, but this program is, their, their big thing is that they are psychology and behavior change based, so it’s not just your typical, here’s a meal plan, or eat this way, or don’t eat these foods, and only eat these foods, or whatever. It’s supposed to be psychology focused. So again, we’re kind of like getting into this like wellness, behavior change type of space, like lifestyle changes, over.
guidelines and rules and regulations. This company also, I had no idea, valued at 3. 7 billion, which is insane. It’s insane, which means obviously a lot of people are purchasing it. A lot of people are on it. It’s being used a lot, which means that’s the market. That’s where the market is going is towards this.
Like I’m looking for real sustainable changes, maybe over. Maybe over a quick fix. I don’t know. Maybe we’re moving that direction. That would be wonderful. Um, but that said, you know, how do we, as health and fitness coaches, ride this wave of wellness and behavior change and lifestyle focus? And with that, you know, understanding psychological barriers that get in the way of lifestyle changes.
And, listen, a lot of you are listening to this and going, like, I know exactly how Casey is setting this up, because Casey works and lives and breathes in the world of health behavior change, right? My PhD literally came from the mindset lab, so I am relatively biased in this area, and I think that every single coach should be equipped with this knowledge and these skills, so honestly, I’m thrilled that this is the direction that our industry is going, but not just, like, for my own benefit, because I know that this It will benefit so many people.
I’ve seen it benefit so many people and I’ve been like shouting from the rooftops for the past, like, decade that this is something that needs to be talked about more and included more in the health and fitness coaching industry. So the fact that things are moving that direction is like beautiful. We love that.
I love to see it. Um, but yes, I I come from this area, so I also understand that you should be skeptical and take what I’m saying with a grain of salt because I, I live and breathe this stuff. So of course I’m going to say, this is the direction that the industry is going, listen to me. Uh, but I don’t want you to just listen to me.
We actually have Google search trend data. That says the same. So, Isaiah, if you could start to put up some of those graphs on the search term data for those of you who are watching on YouTube, you’re going to get a lovely visual for everything that I’m about to say. Um, I will describe it for those of you that are listening and tuning in via audio only.
So, Mindset coaching, that search term, is being searched on Google more than ever before. Like, it’s a very strong increase, and I have checked it, like, every single year the past few years, especially as I’ve been, like, using this, um, yes, to my advantage, to support the certification that I run, but also just to kind of keep tabs on the industry.
So mindset coaching, being searched more than ever before. And that is, without a doubt, a lot of your prospective clients going like, I know I need this stuff. This is like the building blocks to this healthier lifestyle, better well being, sure, weight loss, but in a sustainable way. And the same thing goes for behavior change strategies.
If you were to go to Google and type in behavior change strategies, you are one of many, many people that are also searching this, but it has skyrocketed in the last, like, five to seven years. It’s insane. Um, and of course, it could be argued that it’s not. Perspective clients searching behavior change strategies, but maybe it’s other health and fitness coaches that are searching this.
But either way, if more coaches are searching for behavior change strategies on Google than ever before, that usually means that they’re doing so because their clients are looking for it, right? They’re recognizing that this is like a gap in their, their knowledge and their skill set, whatever. And then they’re going to Google to be like, yo, help me out.
Like, how do I help this person with, on a behavior change perspective? And check out also the increase of people searching for health mindset. This one actually surprised me. Like, I was just playing around and throwing different keywords in there. Um, obviously I run the health mindset coaching certification.
And to me, like, health mindset wouldn’t be something that people are really searching that much. But in fact, I was wrong. People are searching it a lot, a lot more in recent years than they ever have been before. In fact, it was like relatively flatlined earlier and now we’re seeing this, this increase, right?
So really interesting things like health mindset, behavior change strategies, mindset coaching are all Just skyrocketing compared to previous years, not, not necessarily previous years, like, like even, you know, if we’re talking like 2015 to now, or even five years ago to now, that has continued to increase.
And we need to pay attention to these things because again, whether it’s fitness coaches searching these things, prospective clients searching these things, it means it’s becoming more and more important and necessary for you to honestly make sure you’re including. So, that said. Why is it that maybe people are searching this stuff more, right?
That’s where my brain starts to go. It’s like, okay, like, I know the importance of this stuff, but like, what, but that’s because I spent years researching it and seeing the impact first hand, both in the lab and then in the wild when I would implement it, right? And I’ve also had. 700 plus coaches go through the certification at this point and have seen so many coaches start implementing behavior change of mindset strategies with their clients and seeing really, really amazing results from it.
So I’ve seen all this stuff firsthand, like I get it, but where’s this coming from with everybody else? And I, I know that people. Our prospective clients, your current clients, love quick and easy. We love Amazon Prime, right? But something that people tend to love even more is permanency. Results that actually last, so you don’t have to go back and rinse and repeat and start over and put more effort in in a different direction again and again and again.
So, how can we help clients reach something that is more permanent, that is more sustainable? That is through behavior change. Mindset, understanding client psychology, and not just saying here are your macros, here’s your exercise plan, good luck. Right? So, I do wonder, and this is me just speculating if people are really starting to understand that more, that permanency, sustainability, Those things are just as, if not more, valuable than a quick fix.
So if that’s the direction we’re headed, like, hallelujah, that’s amazing, more of that, please. Is the end of the quick fix diet in sight? Like, that, I feel like that would be a very bold claim. And I’m not ready to make that claim by any means. And I don’t think we’ll ever fully get away from that, just because as humans.
We are wired for instant gratification. So, although a lot of your clients, a lot of people just in general are thinking like, Wow, I want that sustainable lifestyle change. I just want this to feel easier, more habitual, more automatic, more part of just like what I do on a daily basis. I don’t want it to feel so effortful.
And I just want to sustain weight loss, maintain it over time, whatever. That is like, The dream, right, but shiny object syndrome type of instant gratification of like, you’ll lose 30 pounds in 30 days if you do this diet plan, right, that can still get in the way. And we’re seeing that with weight loss drugs right now that like that is the shiny new object is injectable.
It is GLP ones. Um, and actually, I know I mentioned. Weight Watchers, or WW, and also Noom earlier in the episode, and I actually just recently found out when I was kind of, like, preparing for this episode that they both offer GLP 1s, like Noom specifically I know has like a, a medication track that you can sign up for so that you can get access to these weight loss drugs, which is really interesting.
And also again, just pay attention to these like giant organizations in the health fitness weight loss space, because what they’re doing. You need to pay attention to, um, that does not mean I am encouraging any of you to like go to your clients and be like, Hey, I can help get you GLP ones and we can do that.
Um, but instead just know that that means that there’s an incredible market for it, which I think we already. know and understand, but that that’s what people are looking for. So that said, you know, what happens when people get off the drugs? Just like any other diet, right? If they do not have any new skills, knowledge, understanding on how to Eat well, take care of themselves, sustain, maintain, what’s gonna happen, right?
So lifestyle support, real behavior change is going to come back to like claim that front running spot once again here. And It’s just, like, so incredibly important. So, that said, you know, we can’t talk about industry direction without talking about technology and specifically AI and how that’s playing a role.
And a lot of people are actually really scared of artificial intelligence and what that’s going to mean. Um, You know, as a health and fitness coach, you may start to be concerned that chat GPT is going to take over your coaching role and people won’t have a need for a real human coach anymore. I like personally.
I very much don’t agree with that narrative. I also just, like, don’t, don’t be scared, right? I think there’s a huge advantage when it comes to, like, the direction that technology has been going, is going, um, and how we can help more people globally, virtually, is, is amazing. AI I don’t think is really, you know, I maybe like need to bite my tongue now for who knows what’s to come, but AI is not something to be afraid of.
I think people are always going to want real connection, real support, again, as humans, just like our basic nature. is desire for social connection. We’re looking for our tribes to help us survive and stay alive, right? Um, biologically, we’re like wired to want people to be around people to have connection.
And so often, we’ve had clients in the past, and I’m sure you’ve seen this as well, clients who have like tried the app based stuff or have done something. Where it feels like you have access to someone, but it’s not really a real connection. Um, I mean, I’ve even had people in the past come over to work with me or my team and make comments about how they’ve had a coach before.
And that coach helped them get results, but they didn’t feel connected to that person. And so that’s the reason that it left, you know, and that was even when they were working with a real human being. Just think about what it’s going to be like if they’re working with a robot, you know, they’re working with AI.
So I do think that understanding Behavior change, human decision making, connection, relationship, um, and actually, I have, I have a framework for this. It’s called the GROW model. For those of you who are students of mine, you’ve heard this so many times, um, but the GROW model stands for Guidance, relationship, optimization, and wisdom.
I’m also realizing I should really record a podcast episode on this. How have I not done that yet? Um, and those are all things that are going to be pretty difficult for AI to grasp, right? And those are, like, uniquely human things that we can provide to our clients from a behavior change mindset, psychological type of way, that is going to help them be more successful, them being our clients, and just It’s a framework for more effective coaching, and being able to do all of that really provides job security in that way.
But that said, I don’t want you to be one of those coaches who sees these trends, hears this episode, and just
I want you to actually feel confident in your ability to deliver these things to your clients and to feel like you know how to help clients who are self sabotaging, they’re not motivated, and they want to change their lifestyle for good and to have those tools. And at this point you might also be thinking like, okay Kasey, I’m a nutrition coach.
I’m a trainer. I feel like this is out of my scope of practice and this is a conversation I have a lot with my students too because we are talking about psychology and at what point is it like, no, they need to see a therapist, they need to see a mental health specialist, not work with me as a health and fitness coach.
And there is definitely a line, a very bold, dark line that you need to be clear on. Please, please, please do not go out there trying to like deliver cognitive behavioral therapy to your clients as a health and fitness coach. Right. But that said, a lot of what we can do, you know, whether it’s using strategies of motivational interviewing or just different.
conversational tools or cultivating a growth mindset or helping someone form or break habits or work on levels of motivation. All of that stuff is things that you’re definitely capable of doing as a coach. And keep in mind too that, you know, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, whatever, personal trainers all over the world.
We’re saying I am not equipped. It’s out of my scope of practice to talk about nutrition. That was very much a thing. Personal trainers were like, I don’t do nutrition. That’s for the registered dietitians. That’s the nutritionist. That’s out of my scope of practice. And now look at how many people are delivering nutrition information and exercise information together.
In fact, it’s a little bit You’re a little bit behind if you are only helping people with exercise and not also talking to them about nutrition. Like, you’re behind the ball at this point. Like, we gotta get you caught up, right? But prior to that, it was very much a, that’s not my realm of expertise. I’m not touching nutrition.
I talk about exercise, fitness training. I will help you with different, learning different planes of motion for your body. But like, I’m not gonna talk to you about what you need to be eating. And that has very much changed, and I do believe, I do believe we are seeing a very similar thing right now when it comes to mindset, behavior change, understanding, client psychology, and how it can feel like, yes, that’s like, I can’t do that, that’s out of my scope of practice, like, that’s not something that I do as a nutrition coach, as a fitness coach, whatever, but soon, my friends, you will be behind the ball if you don’t start.
focusing on these things and making sure that they’re included in your practice. That is just my humble opinion, and of course, I have zero shame in this plug, like literally zero, because I know how much this will help you with your clients that you’re frustrated with, just frustrated with coaching in general, the clients that will stick to the plan for a period of time, then fall off, and they’re self sabotaging, you don’t know what to do, because like all you know is nutrition and exercise, right?
I have a certification for you. It’s called the Health Mindset Coaching Certification. I’ve mentioned it a handful of times here. Um, but I’m not going to sit here and just sell you on the certification. We’re not even open for enrollment right now. We only open a couple times per year. Um, you know it exists now.
Do with that information what you will. I would, however, love to get you started with five free lessons in mindset and behavior change for coaching. There is a link in the description. In the show notes, in the description that you can grab to sign up for that, that does also put you on the waitlist so you can get details on the certification when we’re open for enrollment.
No pressure. I will not hold it against you if you grab the five free lessons and join the waitlist, but never jump into the certification. Okay? Okay. All right, my friends, that’s all I have for you. As always, would love to hear from you and what you think, especially about this episode, since a lot of it is kind of just like me pulling from conversations and obviously being very heavily focused on mindset behavior change.
All that good stuff. I would love to hear from you. Let me know if you are seeing similar things in the industry. If you’re seeing something else entirely, would love to hear about that too. But otherwise, that’s all I have for you and I’ll see you next time.